Design of a curricular e-learning model, using an active and participatory methodology

  • Filiberto Candia García Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Currently the graduate programs in educational innovation motivate participants to teach academic content in their workplace, using informally teaching resources offered by ICT. However, the impact on the development academic of virtual classrooms seems limited by the lack of formal training in computer systems by Education Professionals. From the perspective of a study group that learns from the TIC, it attempts to incorporate them in the e -learning curriculum design through the virtual platforms, This develops a case study on the generation of a e-learning design curriculum model that guides the learners of virtual platforms and Virtual Learning Environment, during his training of the Learning Management System for the creation of virtual courses. The innovation of the present work is the direct collection of the factors that limit the learning of the graduate students of Innovation in Education, when the training in computer science, computer or similar systems does not form part of the professional skills of the experts in education. Meet its challenges, fears and motivations, can generate a curricular e-learning model model that provides the teaching strategies based on the ICT for the transformation of a In-House curriculum design to an on-line curriculum design.


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How to Cite
Candia García, F. (2016). Design of a curricular e-learning model, using an active and participatory methodology. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 7(13), 147 - 182. Retrieved from
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