Organizational management to obtain the Certification of Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination of the University Center of Tonalá

  • Karla Alejandra Contreras Tinoco Universidad de Guadalajara
  • María Felícitas Parga Jiménez Universidad de Guadalajara


To improve the educational, training, research and organizational practices of universities, it is necessary to mainstream the gender perspective and establish equality policies that are part of the institutional culture. Based on international agreements and the demands of the feminist academy, it is more and more frequent that the current development plans of the universities establish the intention of achieving strategic axes such as equality, equity and a culture of peace, which derives from in action plans and policies aimed at achieving those goals and objectives. This article describes the process of elaboration and implementation of a labor equality and non-discrimination policy that involved actions such as: the evaluation of the work environment, the implementation of training programs with equal opportunities for all staff, the deployment of awareness campaigns, the implementation of training plans on issues of equality, non-discrimination and gender perspective, the adaptation of physical spaces, the generation of accessible civil protection programs, as well as the generation of strategies, practices and legislation that that facilitate co-responsibility and that allow equality to be achieved in a university-type work space and of a state public nature. In the creation, implementation and monitoring of compliance with the equality policy, 22 directors and managers from the senior management and middle management of the Tonalá University Center participated, in addition to administrative and teaching staff. The result of these actions allowed obtaining the Certification in the Standard NMX-R025-SCFI-2015 Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination of the University Center of Tonalá of the University of Guadalajara with which it realizes that in the practical plane the that is stipulated to vocation.


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How to Cite
Contreras Tinoco, K. A., & Parga Jiménez, M. F. (2022). Organizational management to obtain the Certification of Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination of the University Center of Tonalá. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(25).
Scientific articles