Implementation of educational technology for improvement of academic achievement at Technological University of Altamira

  • Edgar Uxmal Maya Palacios Universidad Tecnológica de Altamira
  • José Genaro González Hernández Universidad Tecnológica de Altamira
  • José Luis Ocampo Casados Universidad Tecnológica de Altamira


This study was conducted in the Mechatronics Department at the Technological University of Altamira (UTA), where work is being done to boost the academic performance of students of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems (Spanish acronym: SHYN) by investigating the use of the computer simulation software FluidSIM-P. Focusing on an exercise in which the students learn to apply practical concepts, two groups could then be compared: one using the simulation software, and the other using traditional methods. Finally, we compared the results with the students’ academic performance. The study was carried out over a period of four months, and the results demonstrate that the students improved according to each one of the indicators.


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How to Cite
Maya Palacios, E. U., González Hernández, J. G., & Ocampo Casados, J. L. (2018). Implementation of educational technology for improvement of academic achievement at Technological University of Altamira. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(15), 780 - 798.
Scientific articles