Systematic Literature Review for Gamification in online courses

  • José Alejandro Morales Zúñiga Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma Instituto Politécnico Nacional


The objective of this research was to improve the understanding of the phenomenon of gamification within the field of online courses. In order to achieve this objective, an exhaustive review of the literature was carried out in three large databases using the PRISMA methodology, with the purpose of identifying the most used gamification elements in online courses, as well as good practices in the application of this didactic approach in online courses. The results obtained from this research represent a valuable resource in the fields of distance education, online learning and the creation of educational technology, since they offer a complete perspective that could foster concrete improvements in the application of gamification in educational programs. learning that implement online courses. This is achieved by providing an objective view of best practices implemented globally. The results allowed us to identify challenges, rules, badges and leaderboards as the most relevant elements used in online courses in recent years; and three frameworks (Octalysis, MDA and Game-Based Learning Design) were identified as the most used when implementing gamification in technological projects focused on distance teaching and learning. The significant impact of gamification strategies enhancing online learning and student motivation was highlighted.


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How to Cite
Morales Zúñiga, J. A., & Ruiz Ledesma, E. F. (2025). Systematic Literature Review for Gamification in online courses. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(30).
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