Barriers in scientific and technological education for maya youth: perspectives from higher education in Yucatán
This paper presents the results of the second stage of the research project titled “Critical Issues, Equity, and Justice in the Scientific and Technological Education of Maya Youth in Yucatán”. The study aimed to examine the challenges faced by young people of Maya origin in higher education through scientific and technological sector careers. The study was conducted using a quantitative approach, employing a questionnaire designed based on issues that emerged in the qualitative phase of the study. The questionnaire was administered in survey form and was answered by 125 students who are pursuing higher education in science and technology-related disciplines at seven institutions in Yucatán. The results revealed that significant barriers persist significant barriers to access and retention of Maya youth in scientific and technological higher education in Yucatán, despite certain advancements. These barriers reflect broader structural problems in the Mexican educational system. A trend towards cultural assimilation among Maya youth is observed, marked by a decrease in the use of the Maya language. Additionally, factors such as lack of economic resources, the need to migrate to access higher education, and the relationship between gender and ethnicity present additional challenges for the students.
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