Imaginary Training Textbook of Spanish

  • Dalia Ruiz Ávila Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


In basic education, free textbooks (LTG) is an important development of the class sessions, in this investigation, through analysis of educational discourse instrument, you try to recognize what is the imaginary formation of the author / lecturer, for this purpose are the following social places: the author / professor is granted to himself, which gives the other (students) and giving the referent (educational content). The image the author / student teacher has conferred authority to decide how to be educated and go to treatment that is given to the subject of study and requires him to learn. This approach allows us to observe that the student in school dynamics is assigned a passive role of knowledge established.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Ávila, D. (2015). Imaginary Training Textbook of Spanish. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 263 - 284. Retrieved from
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