Measurement of the UAGro brand in the official social network Facebook from branded content and institutional communication
In recent years, the Autonomous University of Guerrero has opted for the social network Facebook as the main channel of mass communication for the dissemination of institutional activities. Therefore, this research analyzed the publications of the official Facebook account of Marca UAGro that generated engagement and brand value in users, from branded content and institutional communication, measuring four communication keys of the branded content methodology: format definition, genre typology, thematic content and emotional relevance. Through the quantitative method, with a non-experimental, transversal design of exploratory-descriptive scope, a content analysis of two hundred and four publications was carried out using the online tool Fanpage Karma, which allowed answering the key questions: Does the production of content follow institutional communication strategies? Does the content of the UAGro Brand generate commitment beyond the mere information it shares? The results showed that 48 percent of the informative content is issued through the format of infographics and only communicates the educational offer. The institutional messages are mostly of an informative nature related to the educational and academic offerings. There is little interest in communicating the brand values and institutional achievements. It is concluded that the UAGro brand could improve the management of its content strategy on Facebook, so that the institutional communication presents a structure of diverse or defined indicators that address the information based on the thematic content.
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