Systematic review of the measurement of happiness at work using mixed methods
The topic of happiness at work has been of great interest to scholars worldwide, who have attempted to define and assess this construct using instruments that measure factors such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, subjective well-being, emotions, and affects. It remains uncertain whether these elements, when considered collectively, can accurately ascertain an individual's level of happiness at work. This study conducted a mixed-methods literature review on the measurement of happiness at work, analyzing a total of 22 academic articles from the Scopus and WoS databases, to identify the temporal evolution of publications, citation, co-occurrence of keywords, how it has been measured, the variables/dimensions and instruments used. The findings revealed that Spanish-speaking and Asian countries demonstrate superior productivity in this domain, predominantly utilizing quantitative methodologies and statistical techniques associated with construct validity. Regarding measurement instruments, three categories were identified: scales designed to assess general happiness, instruments that incorporate organizational aspects, and those that measure happiness at work on a unidimensional scale. It was concluded that "happiness at work" remains an abstract and subjective concept, making its measurement challenging.
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