University outreach and co-responsibility in Latin America, a literature review
The present essay presents a state-of-the-art overview of the implementation of principles of social co-responsibility, relevance, territoriality, and inclusion in higher education within Latin America. It is contextualized in response to the challenges imposed by neoliberal models, where Mexican legislation, despite promoting these principles as guiding for the university function, lacks guidelines for their practical application. Through a qualitative and descriptive methodology, a variety of documents and research related to the integration of these concepts into university practices and policies are analyzed via a bibliographic review. It is observed that the effectiveness of these models depends on their adaptation and reflective application to institutional contexts, beyond mere compliance with external norms. A tendency towards a superficial adoption of these approaches is identified, limited to an administrative perspective, and disconnected from genuine interaction with the community. In which a solid social dimension has also not been consolidated within educational processes and practices. Therefore, the need for a profound transformation in university structures and practices is underlined, integrating ethical and philosophical values for an effective and significant connection with the social environment.
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