Socio-Educational Case Study Improving the Working Environment in Nurseries Through Effective Communication Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques

  • Silvina Lucia López Villagómez Instituto Tecnológico de León
  • Claudio Rafael Vásquez Martínez Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Liliana Valdez Jiménez Universidad de Guadalajara


Poor communication is the cause of most of the internal problems that organizations present. When they are not resolved quickly, they can create negative feelings among colleagues, weak relationships between leaders and other employees, a bad work environment and a decrease in productivity. So, the objective of this work was to improve the working environment of two nurseries through effective communication using neuro-linguistic programming techniques. For this, a quasi-experimental design was performed, pretest-posttest of a single group; in other words, an accurate assessment of the work environment was applied, areas of opportunity were identified, workshops based on neuro-linguistic programming techniques were applied, and finally the results before and after the intervention were compared. In total, 87 workers with an indefinite contract were surveyed (44 from one nursery and the rest from the other). In the previous evaluation corresponding to the first nursery, eight people of the population indicate that communication is low (18%), 24 that it is moderate (54%) and 12 indicate that it is optimal (28%). In the post-intervention, 14 participants commented that it is moderate (32%) and 30 that it is optimal (68%), with a p = 0.005. While in the second nursery, in the pre-intervention eight of the participants reported that communication in the organization is low (18%), 24 moderate (56%) and 11 optimal. (25%) While in the post-intervention evaluation, two workers reported low communication (4%), 12 moderate (28%) and 29 optimal (68%) (p = 0.003). Regarding the organizational climate, in the pre-intervention phase it was found that 28% indicated that it is optimal, while in the post-intervention it rose to 57%. In the second nursery, 57% of the staff in the pre-intervention indicated that the organizational climate is moderate and 25% found it optimal. In the post-intervention evaluation, the moderate rating dropped to 39% and the optimal rating increased to 61%. In conclusion, it was possible to improve communication and the work environment.


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How to Cite
López Villagómez, S. L., Vásquez Martínez, C. R., & Valdez Jiménez, L. (2020). Socio-Educational Case Study Improving the Working Environment in Nurseries Through Effective Communication Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 11(21).
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