Teacher Training of the Institutional Program of Tutorials in a Virtual Learning Environment
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the teacher training offered by the Institutional Tutorial Program (PIT), which has been designed in a virtual learning environment at a university in southeastern Mexico. In this regard, the research was quantitative with a transectional quasi-experimental design with a single group. The sample consisted of 25 tutors (men and women of Mexican nationality whose ages ranged between 25 and 50 years) and 100 students-tutors of university level. Both non-probabilistic samples of participants were determined by the census technique. To collect the data, three instruments were used: two directed to the tutors and one to the tutors. Part of the obtained findings suggest that the aforementioned program has been relevant, since the established learning objectives were met and the expectations of the participants were met, which is evidenced by a statistically significant increase in the conceptual domain of the tutors. Regarding the variable sensitization of the tutors, it is concluded that the training course contributed to these modifying their processes of attention to the tutors, since it was possible to generate greater empathy and attention in their interviews. In short, the course was rated by the participants with a general score of 86.5 on a scale of 0 to 100.
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