Transversality of the environment axis in higher education: a diagnosis of the bachelor's degree in Accounting from UAGro
Environmental education is a field of action that allows us to address the problems that arise from the complex relationship between man and nature; transversality emerged as a strategy to influence the integral formation of the student, through the horizontal or vertical articulation of contents or subjects in an educational program. The objective of this study was to diagnose the presence of the environmental axis in the profile of degree and in the learning units (UAp) of degree in accounting of Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (UAGro) to achieve sustainability in the curriculum. It is a research with a quantitative, transversal, descriptive and exploratory approach. A stratified probabilistic sampling of the six academies that make up the program was carried out. During the period May to December 2016, the Diagnostic instrument on linking the transversal environmental axis was applied to the coordinator of the educational program to know his perception of the link between the transversal environment axis and the graduation profile; This same instrument was applied to 17 teachers (25%), to analyze 17 learning units (34%), which served to identify the level of presence of the axis and its link with the graduation profile. The coordinator says that of thirteen elements that make up the environmental axis, three are not linked, nine are partially linked and one is poorly linked. In relation to teachers, for 83% there is some degree of linkage, while for 17% there is not. In relation to teachers, for 83% there is some degree of linkage, while for 17% there is not. In the case of the academies, only General Accounting Academy presents 25% of very linked; in contrast, the English academy is considered as not linked. The above shows the different perception between the coordinator and the teachers of the program, the disarticulation and departmentalization of the learning units that does not contribute to the achievement of the graduation profile, and that the teacher prioritizes the disciplinary subjects on the environmental ones. It concludes that transversalizing the curriculum with this emerging social is a way for pupils to have a comprehensive training to face the problems that afflict the planet in direction of sustainable development.
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