Comparative study of techniques and study habits of tutees in the Bachelor's degrees in Medicine and Gerontology of the Autonomous University of Campeche

  • Betty Sarabia Alcocer Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
  • Ana Rosa Can Valle Universidad Autónoma de Campeche


The more the learner is known as a student, as well as the different Study Techniques that are available, the easier will be select the most appropriate for each situation and create their own strategies. In the interest of improving the mode of study of the tutees admitted to a higher level, we decided to apply the SITAE, a questionnaire based on the original materials of W.Browm (1986) consisting of 100 features, grouped into ten modules, which can be found in any student. This instrument has been very useful in our research project to learn more about the techniques and skills of our tutees. The results obtained revealed that a very significant number of students lack of techniques and appropriate methodologies to improve their school work, at the same time that have limitations in terms of the level of concentration and an inadequate distribution of the time spent studying. This may explain the low academic performance, since having techniques and study habits is an essential element to achieve an efficient learning.   Most of the tutees reach the Higher Education with poor study habits. Given that the majority of parents are absent in house, since work almost all the day, and many have a low educational level, not being able to guide the children in their learning process, It is necessary to educate the tutees in study habits since entering the Higher Education with the aim of improving their learning.


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How to Cite
Sarabia Alcocer, B., & Can Valle, A. R. (2016). Comparative study of techniques and study habits of tutees in the Bachelor’s degrees in Medicine and Gerontology of the Autonomous University of Campeche. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 7(13), 483 - 496. Retrieved from
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