Employment of comic strips as Reinforcement Learning of Higher Education in UPIBI-IPN

  • Engelbert Eduardo Linares González Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Ana Isabel García Monroy Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Lucero Martínez Allende Instituto Politécnico Nacional


The strategies of teaching - learning are instruments that support the teaching to improve the students as learners. Comic strips can be an educational tool that promotes learning, since is based in the narration of a history through a succession of illustra tions that are complemented with a text. The comic strips at the top level aims to contextualize the topic being studied in class. In the present work 30 engineering students were observed while they made a comic strip. During the process demonstrated gra phic and of writing skills focused on facilitating learning, putting in practice its ability to analytical and creative, as well as its oral and written communication.


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How to Cite
Linares González, E. E., García Monroy, A. I., & Martínez Allende, L. (2016). Employment of comic strips as Reinforcement Learning of Higher Education in UPIBI-IPN. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 7(13), 1 - 14. Retrieved from https://mail.ride.org.mx/index.php/RIDE/article/view/230
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