Education, profitability and human development
One of the great problems of education is that its objective has been divided into two main areas: educational profitability and human development paradigm. State investment in education has been geared towards meeting the standards and demands of the market, where the only thing that matters is the ability, usefulness and practicality of the individual to carry out activities, many of which are limited to reproducing processes that have nothing to do with the unique capacities of human beings as rational beings. This study points to the need for education to be subject to constant scrutiny, current models seek profitability and aim only at the instrumentalization of people without considering the proposals of human development. A good education should imbue commitment and empathy towards others, to see them as persons with equal rights, to recognize that one possesses an inalienable dignity that must be respected, in principle, by human beings themselves, by laws and institutions.
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