Significant knowledge: The secant of teaching and learning in education
Education faces numerous challenges, demanding critical reflection to transform and adapt it to the learning methods of new generations. Traditional teaching strategies are far from this goal. The gap between past knowledge and today’s accessible resources in diverse formats and spaces is evident. We teachers learned under a reality and context that differs from the way in which current generations absorb knowledge. The objective of this essay is to generate a constructive criticism of the mission of education in the 21st century, making an analogy between the circle and the circumference, the one as a limiter of the transfer of knowledge and the other as a catalyst for appropriation, transformation, and construction of knowledge. This mutation gives rise to the rupture of the arc that encloses the circle, which contains it and therefore the constructs that everyone generates in their own learning process. This rupture favors the transmission of what has been learned through the secant that crosses said circle, making valuable and relevant teaching last and transcend into significant learning.
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