Chemical Engineering and Biochemical Engineering 2010 bachelor degree curricula at the Veracruz Institute of Technology-National Institute of Technology of Mexico: a comparative analysis

  • Dulce María Barradas Dermitz Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz
  • Guadalupe Isabel Lara Carvajal Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz
  • Anilú Miranda Medina Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz
  • Lizbeth Alejandra Hernández Carrión Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz
  • Patricia Margaret Hayward Jones Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz
  • Vania Yael Sánchez Hernández Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz
  • Georgina Luna Carrillo Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz


A comparative analysis of knowledge areas in Biochemical Engineering (BEng) and Chemical Engineering (Chem Eng) B.Sc. curricula offered by the Veracruz Institute of Technology (VIT), was carried out through the analysis of SATCA academic credits. It revealed that in three of five areas there was no significant difference (Engineering Sciences ESc, Applied Engineering AppEng, others), indicating an equivalence between the curricula analysed. There was a difference in the percentage of SATCA credits both in Mathematics and Basic Sciences (M&BSc) and Humanities and Social Sciences (H&SSc); the figures in the BEng program were higher compared to Chem Eng. Two reflections have originated from the latter findings; the absence of Biology as a basic science in the Chem Eng national Technological system curriculum, an issue of concern considering that this science has already been included for at least twenty years in other national or foreign Chem Eng programs, and also the need for a more extensive social and humanities education to achieve a more culturally balanced graduate. The program by program curricula analysis exhibited a reiterative similarity; approximately 74 % of the contents showed either no or non-significant differences and 26% a greater difference. It is recommended, amongst other things, that the educational body concerned should carry out an equivalence process for curricula.


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How to Cite
Barradas Dermitz, D. M., Lara Carvajal, G. I., Miranda Medina, A., Hernández Carrión, L. A., Hayward Jones, P. M., Sánchez Hernández, V. Y., & Luna Carrillo, G. (2016). Chemical Engineering and Biochemical Engineering 2010 bachelor degree curricula at the Veracruz Institute of Technology-National Institute of Technology of Mexico: a comparative analysis. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(12), 379 - 397. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology