Proposal to determine a pedagogical model on research competencies at the doctoral level
The training processes are defined by the competencies they seek to develop in their learner; for the development of research in any disciplinary field, the acquisition of diverse tools, skills, knowledge, and attitudes. This document aims to analyze the training processes that enhance research competencies, identifying educational needs in specific contexts, allowing the definition of a new pedagogical model to reduce the gap between teaching and research. A conceptual cartography was developed with the intention of finding theoretical and methodological. The results were organized into eight analytical axes; the notion allowed exploring the definition; categorization offered different domains on how these competencies are constructed. Characterization demonstrated some teaching and learning experiences. Differentiation described three constructs, and in classification, the type of knowledge, skills, and attitudes was described. For linkage, cases where research competencies have been implemented with different e-learning references, finally, in methodology, it was shown how the microlearning model is constituted and how microcontents can be formed; meanwhile, in exemplification, no study was found that had already related the variables. It was concluded that a pedagogical model for research competencies would be characterized by being focused on the internalization of knowledge, autonomous learning, the development of self-management, and self-motivation on investigative processes in various areas of knowledge.
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