Analysis of education in South Korea: Confucianism, economic development and family

  • Raymundo Murrieta Ortega Benemérito Instituto Normal del Estado (BINE) “Gral. Juan Crisóstomo Bonilla”
  • Saul Serna Segura Kangwon National University


The research aimed to explore the characteristics of education in South Korea, focusing on three essential elements: Confucianism, economic development, and family, aspects that are fundamental in Korean society. This qualitative study was developed with a narrative and case study approach. Observation, field diary, and interviews with four primary school teachers in South Korea were used as data collection tools. To enrich the analysis, a bibliographic review on Confucianism, family, and education was carried out. In addition, the experiences of a Mexican teacher living in Korea were included. He worked as a multicultural instructor in several primary schools in Seoul through the Mizy Center, a center managed by the Korean National Commission for the Daesan Foundation and supported by the Seoul metropolitan government, which is dedicated to promoting international cultural exchange among Korean youth through conferences and various activities with foreigners. The findings of the study reveal that education in South Korea is largely based on Confucian ethics, which emphasize filial piety, that is, the love and respect of children towards their parents, which is manifested in a series of family obligations (Choi, 2010). It was also identified that the economic, cultural and family context significantly influences the educational achievements of Korean students.


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How to Cite
Murrieta Ortega, R., & Serna Segura, S. (2024). Analysis of education in South Korea: Confucianism, economic development and family. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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