School management: an opportunity that promotes reflection on upbringings and strengthens the bond between school and families

  • Juan Antonio Marcos Cayetano Escuela Normal de Atlacomulco


To answer the question: How does school management promote reflection on parenting and strengthen the bond between school and families? A qualitative action research study was carried out in a primary school, where work sessions were organized with groups of parents of the students who converge at the educational center and who represented the subjects of the study, an intentional sample of 296 women and 35 men. As an actor that makes management possible in basic education schools, the collaboration of the school director with the USAER team was highlighted to organize work sessions within the framework of “school for parents” with the aim of strengthening the link between the school and families, and promote reflection on parenting styles. These sessions were organized into six moments, called: welcome and justification, trust and approach, reading, parenting styles, a group reflection and the final perception through two questions to the families in which they suggested the organization of more similar activities.  It is concluded that the management of the school director is a path of collaboration that makes possible the link between the school and families through the establishment of strategies and networks of participation in the school community and that parents show interest in the activities that They are proposed from the school.


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How to Cite
Marcos Cayetano, J. A. (2024). School management: an opportunity that promotes reflection on upbringings and strengthens the bond between school and families. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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