Public Perception of Companies with the ESR Distinction in Veracruz, Mexico

  • Marina Cecilia Pérez Castillo Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Bertha Conde Carreño Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Selene Magdala Ramos Cortés Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Perfecto Gabriel Trujillo Castro Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Sonia Báez Lagunes Tecnológico Nacional de México


This study investigated the general public's perception of companies with the ESR (Socially Responsible Company) distinction in Veracruz, Mexico. A survey was conducted based on a five-variable model: trust and credibility, influence on purchase decision, perception of social and environmental impact, corporate image valuation, and skepticism about authenticity. The results revealed that most respondents have a positive perception of companies with the ESR distinction in terms of trust, influence on purchase decision, social and environmental impact, and corporate image valuation. However, a high level of skepticism was observed regarding the authenticity of these companies' CSR practices. The study highlights the importance of CSR in building strong relationships with consumers and society but also underlines the need to address concerns about "greenwashing" and ensure transparency and genuineness in CSR initiatives. The findings have implications for companies, policymakers, and researchers interested in promoting socially responsible business practices and strengthening public trust in CSR.


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How to Cite
Pérez Castillo, M. C., Conde Carreño, B., Ramos Cortés, S. M., Trujillo Castro, P. G., & Báez Lagunes, S. (2024). Public Perception of Companies with the ESR Distinction in Veracruz, Mexico. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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