Private profitability of education in urban and rural areas of the State of Mexico, 2020 and 2022

  • Esther Figueroa Hernández Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Rebeca Alejandra Pérez Figueroa


The objective of the study was to estimate the private profitability of education for rural and urban areas of the State of Mexico. To do this, the Mincer model was used with data from the ENIGH 2020 and 2022 of the heads of the household separated by gender. The main results were that the profitability rates of education for females and males were lower for rural (4.7%, 6.5%) than for urban (7.6%, 8.8%). The Spline Models (2020), the return on primary education was higher for mothers in the urban area (7.01%) than for fathers (6.8%), secondary education was higher for female heads (9.48%) in the urban area. For the university it was high for both areas, except for women in the urban area. By 2022, primary school was lower for mothers than for men in rural and urban areas, secondary school was higher for both genders in rural areas and negative for urban areas. For the university it was higher for women (45.3%) than for men in the urban (22.8%) and for the rural it was higher for women (44.6%). The results presented showed agreement with what the theory of human capital proposes.


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How to Cite
Figueroa Hernández, E., & Pérez Figueroa, R. A. (2024). Private profitability of education in urban and rural areas of the State of Mexico, 2020 and 2022. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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