Online Evaluations as a tool for Higher Education

  • Diego Armando Centeno Brambila Instituto Tecnológico de Colima
  • Ariel Lira Obando Instituto Tecnológico de Colima


This article is about the information collected and the software developed as a result of the main needs that a computer tool must cover for the preparation of exams to Higher Education in Mexico. Nowadays the use of online technologies in educational institutions have become a tool of great importance and necessity. Therefore, this research proposes the development of a Web system simple and easy to use by teachers of the Higher Education, the preparation of exams with characteristics of standardized tests of type class or use in the classroom; and allow further evaluation using an algorithm of selection of questions from a repository.


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How to Cite
Centeno Brambila, D. A., & Lira Obando, A. (2015). Online Evaluations as a tool for Higher Education. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 67 - 91. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology