Characterization of the Teaching Factors Around the Reprobation Rate in University

  • Ángel Esteban Torres-Zapata Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Alejandra Karina Pérez-Jaimes Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Carmen Cecilia Lara-Gamboa Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
  • César Uziel Estrada-Reyes Universidad Mexiquense del Bicentenario


The objective of this research exercise was to characterize the teaching factors that influence the failure of university students. The study had a quantitative non-experimental cross-sectional approach. The selection of the study population was non-probabilistic. All the teachers who taught the learning units during the February-June 2019 and August-December 2019 school cycles at a university in Mexico were included. A descriptive analysis was carried out, through which the statistical mean, median, absolute frequencies and standard deviation were determined. In addition, the teaching factors were linked to the failure rate from a chi-square test. Among the results, it stands out that the failure rate for generic competency courses was 34.37%, 10.85% for interdisciplinary courses, and 16.03% for specific competences. Likewise, 68.97% of the teachers demonstrated a maximum level of master's studies and 88.89% referred more than five years of professional experience in the teaching field. When associating the failure rate with the study variables, there was no significance with the learning units by competence and teacher evaluation; however, there was significance with the maximum level of studies, with professional experience and with pedagogical preparation.


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How to Cite
Torres-Zapata, Ángel E., Pérez-Jaimes, A. K., Lara-Gamboa, C. C., & Estrada-Reyes, C. U. (2022). Characterization of the Teaching Factors Around the Reprobation Rate in University. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 12(24).
Scientific articles