Daily Resistance to Accountability Policies: A Case Study of Two Special Education Teachers in Chile

  • Fabián Inostroza Universidad de Las Américas


In Chile, school inclusion is an ideal that is in check. In recent decades, accountability policies have been legitimized as the predominant discourse in schools. These institutions have prioritized the standardization of educational processes and the demonstration of results through assessments such as the System of Measurement of the Quality of Education (SIMCE). The present investigation, from a Foucauldian analytical perspective, seeks to know the resistance tactics displayed by the special education teachers, actors in charge of the implementation of inclusion, before the mandates of accountability in everyday life. Through a case study with an ethnographic approach, in which interviews and observations were conducted with two special education teachers, it is possible to realize the production of collective and individual tactics to resist the standardization processes of the teaching and referral of students with learning disabilities to special education schools, practices that turn out to be contrary to the identity and ethics of these teachers.


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How to Cite
Inostroza, F. (2020). Daily Resistance to Accountability Policies: A Case Study of Two Special Education Teachers in Chile. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 10(20). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v10i20.638
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