Socio Study of Two Cohorts of Students of the Agricultural Engineering Career, Faculty of

  • Noemí Balbi Celsa Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
  • Laura Gimenez Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
  • Maria del Carmen Almirón Universidad Nacional del Nordeste


The aim of this study was to identify and describe the socio-educational characteristics of students and the relationship to academic performance in the race Agricultural Engineering. This was characterized to students depending on their educational path at the secondary level by key dimensions, occupation and level of education of their parents. The cohorts studied were the 2005 and 2006. They gathered information from primary and secondary sources. Analysis of the data shows that the percentage of regularization in 1st year is between 50% and 97%. The shelling during 1st year ranges from 64% (2006) and 37% (2005), in the two subjects with higher and lower demand on correlative. Students interviewed (64) 17% polymodal title has natural sciences and another 17% secondary technical degree. 100% are Argentine, single and from the provinces of Corrientes (39%) and Chaco (38%). The educational level of parents is predominantly primary and high school, whereas that of mothers is secondary and tertiary level. Socio characterization of students and its relationship to academic performance is used to define management strategies and institutional curriculum.


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How to Cite
Balbi Celsa, N., Gimenez, L., & Almirón, M. del C. (2015). Socio Study of Two Cohorts of Students of the Agricultural Engineering Career, Faculty of. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 3(5), 56 - 69. Retrieved from
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