Resilience in university students after the impact of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco, Guerrero
The main aim of this article was to analyze the socioeconomic and resilience characteristics of high school and undergraduate students at the Autonomous University of Guerrero (Mexico). The cross-sectional design of the study was based on a descriptive-correlational approach, the second part referred to the Resilience Scale (RS-25), which reached an internal consistency of 0.887 (Cronbach´s alpha). Living in flood zones and in wooden or tin houses is associated with parent´s maximum education level being high school, family economic impact, and severe damage to their homes, while living in non-flood zones is associated with: getting to school in 30 minutes or more; family economic impact and disastrous damage to their homes. In this context, females are slightly more resilient to item 23 “when I am in a difficult situation, I usually find a way out” (OR = 2.072 [95 % CI 1.058-4.059]. The factor analysis covered six dimensions: self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, emotional strength, emotional maturity, pragmatism, and sense of purpose, which explain 58.38 % of the total variance; the appropriateness of the scale was determined with the KMO measure = 0.898. It is essential that the educational authorities contribute to the emotional well-being of the student body, after having experienced the effects of hurricane Otis.
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