Emotional Intelligence and School Dropout Risk in High School in the State of Durango
The present research focuses on new students in the schools attached to the General Directorate of Agricultural Technological Education and Marine Sciences in the State of Durango, Mexico, which are institutions in which school dropout rates above the state average (20.23%) in recent school years. Based on this, the main objectives were to determine the levels of emotional intelligence and risk of dropping out of the school, as well as the relarionship between both variables. The theoretical references were based on the contributions of Mayer and Salovey for emotional intelligence and on the model of Hernández and Montes, for the risk of dropping out of school. With a quantitative research approach of correlational scope with a sample of 1,529 subjects, the main results showed that students have a low level of emotional intelligence to face their academic life and a moderate level of risk of dropping out of school, as well as a negative relationship between the variables. These results could be used to generate strategies that strengthen both variables and contribute to a decrease in school dropouts.
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