Educational audiovisual mediation on YouTube to promote the learning of social studies

  • Carol Carmen Chávez Ponce Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Lisseth Vanessa Moreira Ramírez Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Hishochy Delgado Mendoza Universidad Nacional de Educación
  • Iver Jipsson Suárez Vera Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador


This article discusses the use of audiovisual mediation as a technological proposal for the teaching and learning processes in the Social Studies subject. The aim was to enhance the cognitive abilities of fifth-grade students at the Hortensia Vásquez Salvador Educational Unit. The study was conducted using a quantitative, explanatory approach and a quasi-experimental design with a sample of 30 students. Pre-tests and post-tests were administered after the students watched educational videos on the YouTube platform to collect data. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results revealed that the students had a low level of knowledge about the contents of the Aboriginal era, with a mean score of 5.8 out of 10 points, which is classified as a low level of knowledge (PAAR). Secondly, it was found that the use of educational videos on the YouTube platform significantly contributed to the students' learning process in virtual classes. Finally, the students showed a medium level of learning about the contents of the Aboriginal era, with a mean score of 8.1 out of 10 points, which is classified as a medium learning level (AAR), according to the evaluative scale of Mineduc (2016). In conclusion, the study demonstrated that educational videos on the YouTube platform enhance the learning process of students in the Social Studies subject, especially in the context of virtual teaching. These findings emphasize the significance of audiovisual mediation as a valuable tool for developing cognitive skills in students.


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How to Cite
Chávez Ponce, C. C., Moreira Ramírez, L. V., Delgado Mendoza, H., & Suárez Vera, I. J. (2023). Educational audiovisual mediation on YouTube to promote the learning of social studies. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(26).
Scientific articles