Mexican University Students' Evaluations of Distance Education in Confinement (2020-2021)

  • Lilia Esther Guerrero Rodríguez Universidad Veracruzana


In remote education due to the effects of covid-19, it is essential to consider the students' experiences about the changes that have occurred in comparison with face-to-face education. The objective of the research was to carry out a comparative analysis of the evaluations of the students of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Universidad Veracruzana, Poza Rica-Tuxpan area, on the incorporation to virtuality during two moments of the pandemic: first period (March-August 2020) and second period (February-July 2021), in order to identify changes or continuities. The research had a qualitative approach and hermeneutic method. The reports of 28 students were interpreted: group 1, made up of 14 students studying between March and August 2020, and group 2, with 14 students from February to July 2021. A semi-structured interview guide of 10 open-ended questions was applied via Zoom. The content analysis technique was used, and three thematic categories were identified: "Presentiality vs. distance education", "Experience in online education" and "Socioemotional conditions derived from virtuality". The results show similar evaluations between the two groups, such as a preference for face-to-face, technological and economic limitations and the stress load resulting from confined education. However, changes in certain trends are observed, such as a more effective incorporation of virtual educational platforms and a higher positive evaluation of distance education in the second group. Emotional conditions are also different. In the first group, stress due to illness stands out, and in the second group, the economic situation. In the future development of distance education, it is essential to understand the changes that occurred at the different moments of the pandemic, since they determine different evaluations of the students towards the didactic strategies implemented and their repercussions on learning.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Rodríguez, L. E. (2022). Mexican University Students’ Evaluations of Distance Education in Confinement (2020-2021). RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 13(25).
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