Connecting arithmetic and geometric workspaces through the notion of approximation in Geogebra

  • María de Lourdes Guerrero Magaña Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Rafael Pantoja Rangel Universidad de Guadalajara


Through this research we analyzed the measures approximation in geometric objects with Geogebra ant high school level, and the results showed that high school students have weak notions of the concept of approximation, however its vast resources of arithmetic. These results permitted, on the one hand, analyze the potential they have for learning by connecting ideas geometric and arithmetic, and, on the other hand, better understand their strengths and difficulties. We frame this work in the theory of Duval representations (1993), as well as in the work of Núñez and Cortés (2008) on Interactive Technological Environments for Math Learning (ATIAM), and Kuzniak (2012, 2013), on the importance of transit in different Areas of mathematics.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Magaña, M. de L., & Pantoja Rangel, R. (2015). Connecting arithmetic and geometric workspaces through the notion of approximation in Geogebra. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 5(10), 116 - 131. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology