Elaboration of Songs, Support Strategy for Higher Education
Music is a trigger that can change our mood, depending on the melody or the lyrics of the song being heard, it can influence our acting and feeling. The elaboration of songs as an educational strategy at a higher level, favors significant learning in the undergraduate students, based on the fact that the student puts into practice mental actions that facilitate learning because the music stimulates different areas of the brain in both dedicated areas to the processing of sound and language. Two groups of 40 students were chosen in the subjects of Electrical Engineering and Process Electromechanics at the engineering level in UPIBI. At the beginning of the semester, a diagnostic evaluation was applied to know, among other things, the level of knowledge of the learning unit to be studied and the most representative learning style in each student. Given the results of the diagnostic test, a work method of deductive type was proposed using a collaborative work strategy whose intention is to favor learning from teamwork among students. After the first ordinary evaluation of the semester, they are asked to choose a song considering the rhythm and the letter to make adjustments to the letter considering phrases, words or concepts seen in class in which they have presented a problem in its interpretation or meaning. Once the songs are elaborated, they are asked to show the work done to be presented in the class, the results presented in this work, reveal that more than 50% of the students who participated in the elaboration of the songs agree that they can use music as a facilitating strategy of the teaching-learning process both inside and outside the classroom, since songs can stimulate imagination, vision, memory, therefore, the use of songs within the classroom can be considered an appropriate resource for lasting learning then from the combination of rhythms, stanzas and repetitions that allows students to better assimilate new knowledge. The results obtained in the present work, support the proposal to use music in particular songs, as a strategy that facilitates the teaching-learning process in the classroom in higher-level students, according to the activities developed and the results obtained within the UPIBI, it can be considered that music plays an important role in education and implementing it as a strategy would stimulate effective learning in students. The results obtained are due to the need to create strategies and exploit new techniques and teaching methods, with the idea of strengthening and reinforcing the educational process and to serve as an incentive to improve education and quality of life.
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