Google Forms in the diagnostic evaluation as support in the teaching activities. Case Students Bachelor of Tourism


As a digital tool to support teaching activities, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the creation and use of forms developed with Google Forms was explored. To this end, a qualitative study of non-experimental design of exploratory-descriptive type was carried out. And an instrument was designed to identify the previous knowledge with which the students of the Information and Communication Technologies learning unit of the Tourism Degree at the Higher School of Tourism (EST) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) entered. The results obtained in the sociodemographic section, provided information on the conformation of the groups in terms of the predominance of sex, age and civil status, among other data; in the academic uses of the network, information about these and the time invested per day, the personal skills of the students with respect to the use of ICT (and their previous knowledge), finally, in the area of academic performance and economic situation with which the students entered, data that identified the pertinence of channeling them to the respective area in order to request economic support for the continuity of their studies. Finally, relevant information was obtained to adapt the evaluation model and the didactic plan of the subject, focused on the development of competences, being some uses of the network for academic matters and others for the acquisition of personal skills


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How to Cite
Leyva López, H. P., Pérez Vera, M. G., & Pérez Vera, S. M. (2018). Google Forms in the diagnostic evaluation as support in the teaching activities. Case Students Bachelor of Tourism. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(17), 84 - 111.
Scientific articles