Implementation of project-based learning as a tool in applied engineering subjects
This work applies a teaching methodology that is based on Project Based Learning (ABP) theory to an Engineering subject called Database. ABP had shown that the collaborative competences enhancement the engineer profile. The use of this methodology based on the learning strategy to address real-life problems that are interesting to the student, contribute to their professional development as an engineer. A special feature of the proposed ABP variant is that the assessment is continuous and directly applicable to each student who solves a problem with different practical application. Another difference is that developing the project along the semester and integrating the knowledge acquired gradually through the 3 stages, with a constant, objective, and systematic feedback, motivates the student to continue with the project. The didactic planning done by the teacher, considers activities, expected results and well-defined rubrics. Considering, the first stage as the planning of the project by the team and includes both the determination of the requirements, as well as the design of the database; then in stage 2, the database implementation in an appropriate language and finally stage 3 considers the integration of the database and its management within the data system. The results of the study case presented correspond to the ABP implementation process, through each of its stages, with a group of 30 students, whose over 80% were capable to complete their project with a good design, development, and implementation, complying with the system requirements proposed. This strategy allowed students to improve their research, analysis and synthesis skills and achieving a motivated educational experience with a high level of commitment of the students to reach the end.
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