Values, interests and personality of the students of the Administration Degree of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


This article dealt with the relationship that coexists between the values, interests and personality of the students of the Bachelor of Administration (LA) of the School of Accounting and Administration (FCyA) of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMéx).                The main objective was to characterize student personality types based on their dominant values. The theory and the Allport Questionnaire were used. The research participants were 51 students (males and females) of the (LA) of the (FC and A), school year 2016-2017, semester 2017B with an average age of 21 years, with an interval of 19-21 years. The study was descriptive, with a quantitative approach, an instrument was applied, which codified information on the scores for men and women, based on the Allport scale. The results allowed to determine the hierarchy of values, axiological profile and dominant interests of the students' personality. In women the theoretical value was that 95% are analytical, rational and critical. For the economic value 90% proved to be pragmatic. The figures of aesthetic value reported that 95% did not show aesthetic interest. The social value showed a certain preference towards social relations. The political value was balanced in terms of interests between the upper and lower classes. Regarding the religious value revealed that 95% of them have no religious attachment.                The results of male students reflected the dominant interests of his personality. The average theoretical means that 55% have logical and rational personality. The economic value figures showed that 99% of men are practical and utilitarian. The data of aesthetic value showed that three quarters of students do not have inclination towards beauty and harmony. The social value reported that 83% refer preference to social relations. An interesting revelation was the case of political value, indicating that 67% of men have this interest. In relation to religious value, 92% of men do not have religious attachment.                In conclusion, the characterization of the personality and dominant interests of the students contribute to improving the educational quality because they offer the teacher a useful tool to make efficient their teaching practice and facilitate the teaching process; while, generates awareness in the student regarding their attitudes, interests and behaviors in their personal and professional training.


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How to Cite
García López, I. E. (2018). Values, interests and personality of the students of the Administration Degree of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 439 - 463.
Scientific articles