The development of teaching school skills and academic advising of students of normal public Mexican schools in colleges of Murcia Spain: A successful experience


This article describes a successful of development of teaching school skills and academic advising for students from public normal schools in 15 states of the Mexican Republic, who completed professional internships at schools for early childhood, primary and secondary education in Murcia, Spain with the objective of analyzing training aspects of said students in real work situations. The methodology used is research-action, as through this is intended to reflect on how to solve the daily and immediate problems of their specific professional practices, innovate and incorporate from their referents actions and strategies that will help them in making decisions about their own problems detected and make adjustments to the didactic planning they had as commission. It is interesting to identify some reflections on how the student body comes from different points of the Mexican territory; having references, degrees and contexts proportionally different from those that would be involved; however, the methodological perspective, the management of didactic strategies and some teaching skills, such as group management, the interaction between them and their students, allowed them to be inserted significantly into the teaching life and school dynamics of the schools where they were assigned.


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How to Cite
Castro Miranda, R. (2018). The development of teaching school skills and academic advising of students of normal public Mexican schools in colleges of Murcia Spain: A successful experience. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 394 - 410.
Scientific articles