The development of competencies for teaching work in multigrade schools


Some relevant studies to understand the diversity and differentiation of teaching practices have been the subject of research ranging from the psychopedagogical order, to a more sociological perspective of teaching practice (Schmelkes, 2004, Ezpeleta, De Weiss, 1994). Investigating the study of diversified strategies for the care of multigrade schools in a systematic way, are some of the approaches that urgently need to be considered, especially in the normal schools in charge of enabling for teaching graduates where at least 5 or 6 out of 10 will go to these school contexts. This paper intends to describe some theoretical contributions of the optional course that has been developed during two courses with the sixth and seventh semesters of the Bachelor in Primary Education of the 2012 curriculum. This course covers categories with academic relevance that allow students identify and analyze substantive aspects of how to approach teaching in more than one grade level, planning with an integrating perspective and the methodological strategies that make it possible to address the common theme and differentiated activities, nuanced with collaborative work and mutual help. This vision recognizes the efforts that the multigrade elementary school has had as an important service, since through it education is offered to a very small student body that, in general, resides in small rural, indigenous and isolated localities; with high rates of social and economic marginalization.


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How to Cite
Castro Miranda, R. (2018). The development of competencies for teaching work in multigrade schools. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 335 - 350.
Scientific articles