The planning of the instruction-learning, competence that strengthens the educator profile


This research article shows the outcomes of the assessment of teaching performance based on the perception they have about the impact of planning in their teaching-learning process, with a focus around competence. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether the planning of the teaching-learning processes carried out by teachers from different high school educational centers, it is grounded on a competency-based approach, capable of channeling students into broad disciplinary, curricular and social contexts, which currently constitute the third competence of the educator profile, stemming from the Integral Reform of Middle Superior Education (RMSE). In this sense, a methodology of the non-Experimental, descriptive, mixed Focus kind was utilized; with a sample of 55 professors, thus achieving from the results the materialization of experiences with meaningful relevance that contribute to studying, comprehending, researching, and developing new strategies that will, in turn, contribute to the augmentation of quality; not only in educational practice, but also in an improved egress profile for the student. The teachers, mostly, perceive that the planning they develop favors the significant learning, nevertheless, it is important to introduce students further into practical life.


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How to Cite
Morales Salas, R. E. (2018). The planning of the instruction-learning, competence that strengthens the educator profile. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 311 - 334.
Scientific articles