Use of technological applications in the treatment of Probability and Statistics subjects. Difficulties presented by students in formulating correct approaches


The present research is focused in the difficulty that the students show in the approach of adequate solutions to problems that are commonly used in the field of Probability and Statistics at the College. It was found that both the various issues addressed in the problems of probability, the cells are not familiar to students, in addition to the language that is commonly used in the texts, causes conflict to propose an appropriate approach in their solutions.                The conceptual framework that supports the study in relation to the link between language and mathematics are the ideas of Chomsky on the importance of clarifying semantic aspects in the problems of mathematics and those of Duval who emphasizes the representations and their implications for the study of the teaching and learning processes of mathematics. In relation to the development of the study, it has a constructivist social approach due to the contexts that address the problems with which they work. Both the students and the teachers who participated in the study were notified of the work that would be done, respecting their decision in the participation of the same.                The experimental methodology was used when working with a group of 32 students who studied the subject of Probability and Statistics in the third semester of the field of Engineering in Computer Systems. First a diagnostic questionnaire was applied to know its perception in relation to the use of technology, after and during a month was worked with the group different applications and finally an evaluation questionnaire was applied. The results indicated that some resources or strategies that help in the understanding of the problems, is the use of videographic material that represents the presented situations, allowing the student to visualize various aspects of the problems and not only work in the algebraic terrain and with the exclusive use of formulas. In addition the formulation of several questions that lead the student both to the determination of the variables involved, to clarify what is being asked to measure, evaluate or find in a problem.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Ledesma, E. F. (2018). Use of technological applications in the treatment of Probability and Statistics subjects. Difficulties presented by students in formulating correct approaches. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 216 - 245.
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