Cultures of teachers and educational reforms

  • José Francisco Oviedo Villavicencio Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Eilen Oviedo González Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


Education policies in High School Education, means at present, attempts at improvement of these incidents sociodemographic, moreover, entering an Education System that is being questioned in their results, since students have been reproached in all international evaluations of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) of Basic Education (EB by its name in Spanish) from 2000 to 2015, including national and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (ENLACE by its name in Spanish) in schools school from 2008 to 2013, noticing some evolution in the indexes of exploitation but always below the international average, and staying close to 64% of enrolment at lower levels of evaluation, as they have been the results of the now extinct proof link 2013, insufficient and elementary, for example, in mathematical ability at the level of High School Education. The Professor, who has built a real curriculum (Ramsden, 1992 cited by Biggs, 2003) that it has lost its validity against the demands of the educational reforms of the past decade, has been questioned by these results, as well as the educational system itself, centralized and corporate (Ornelas, 1995), which is the center of the eyes of a society that expresses dissatisfaction with the evaluation reports of the performance not only of students but of their teachers to submit to testing for entry, permanence, and promotion of the Teaching Professional Service. This research is intended to establish the status of this issue now and progress about l forms of action that have the teacher of High School Education facing the implementation of the educational policy. The truth is that the performance of the teacher to new approaches and models of teaching reforms require, requires improve your teaching practice and expand his repertoire of management in the classroom with new teaching strategies to achieve maximum academic achievement of learners.


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How to Cite
Oviedo Villavicencio, J. F., & Oviedo González, E. (2017). Cultures of teachers and educational reforms. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 7(14), 133 - 161.
Scientific articles