Mobile Web Accessibility Assessment Guide
This article deals the evaluation of Web Accessibility (AW) in mobile technology. A review tool is presented to be used by an expert to comprehensively measure the AW of Web content on mobile devices. The methodology used covered three stages: study of theoretical-methodological foundations for addressing the object of study, design and validation of a review guide. Taking into account the WCAG 2.1 standard, considerations specific to mobile AW and the evaluable aspects of the validation software tools studied, a review guide was designed. The designed guide sets out the criteria and level of conformity to which the aspect corresponds, the aspect to be evaluated and the verification that must be carried out to comply with the aspect. The guide was validated through its application by an expert to an Educational Platform (EP) aimed at teachers of all educational levels with national coverage, in the first quarter of 2024. The validation of the proposal to the case study shows that Many of the aspects analyzed are completed in the evaluated pages, however, none of them fully comply with the principles established in the WCAG 2.1 evaluated. Finally, the importance of using various forms and applications for measuring mobile AW is highlighted, and the relevance of having a review tool that orders and systematizes the analysis of mobile AW.
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