Diagnosis of the development index in the primary, secondary, and peripheral zones of the mega project of the interoceanic corridor (CIIT) towards regional development

  • Ana Luz Ramos-Soto Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca
  • Beatriz Rebeca Hernández Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca
  • Carlos Vázquez-Cid de León Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca


Sustainable regional development articulates the provision of goods and services aimed at local and international markets, offering an advantage in attracting new investments. It also facilitates information exchange among economic agents from different regions, sharing experiences to coordinate with various governments and international organizations to enrich the design, financing, and execution of public policies. In this regard, the article aims to analyze the development index of municipalities comprising the primary, secondary, and peripheral zones of the Mega Project of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Istmo of Tehuantepec (CIIT) and the possibility of achieving sustainable regional development. The hypothesis posited is that the implementation of the interoceanic corridor megaproject will have a positive impact on the regional development of the primary, secondary, and peripheral zones of the Tehuantepec Isthmus region. The hypothetico-deductive scientific method is employed, with a mixed design. Among the findings, it is noted that the primary zone has the highest number of municipalities with a high level of development. It is concluded that disparities in the development of the Interoceanic Corridor require specific policies. The focus on productive specialization underscores its potential to drive regional economy. Considering local perspectives and seeking a balance between development and resource preservation highlights the need for a sustainable approach in regional projects.


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How to Cite
Ramos-Soto, A. L., Rebeca Hernández, B., & Vázquez-Cid de León, C. (2024). Diagnosis of the development index in the primary, secondary, and peripheral zones of the mega project of the interoceanic corridor (CIIT) towards regional development. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v15i29.2105
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