Transcendence of Research in Medical Education: Comparative Study and Post-Pandemic Lessons

  • Erika Patricia Hernández-Richard Autonomous University of Tamaulipas
  • Melissa Maya-Elizondo Autonomous University of Tamaulipas
  • Elizabeth Reyna-Beltrán Autonomous University of Tamaulipas
  • José Eugenio Guerra-Cárdenas Autonomous University of Tamaulipas
  • Alejandra Tavera-Tapia Autonomous University of Tamaulipas


The recent COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the need for medical personnel who are prepared to perform investigative activities. This has been a fundamental piece to highlight the transcendence of basic and applied research in academic formation. It has been shown that the inclusion of medical students in research projects and scientific publications contribute to the development of skills for solving global health problems. This study analyzed the importance of research in medical education and changes in perspective given the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed and 264 students from the Tampico School of Medicine “Dr. Alberto Romo Caballero” participated. The survey period was from April to May 2022. As results, an elevated percentage of medical students showed interest in conducting scientific research since the first semesters of undergraduate studies. 98.4% of the students indicated that it is important to establish professional links with researchers from other institutions, as well as to perform research during their university development. In addition, we highlighted the growing need for students to collaborate with researchers from other institutions in a multidisciplinary manner. Finally, this paper highlights the interest of medical students to perform scientific research, which increased due to the pandemic. With this, it seeks to encourage early scientific callings with research programs, courses, and training, which prepare them for a combination with clinical practice or to pursue long-term research as a profession.


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How to Cite
Hernández-Richard, E. P., Maya-Elizondo, M., Reyna-Beltrán, E., Guerra-Cárdenas, J. E., & Tavera-Tapia, A. (2024). Transcendence of Research in Medical Education: Comparative Study and Post-Pandemic Lessons. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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