Self-care in older persons of San Francisco City of Campeche
In Mexico it is considered elderly a person from 60 years. According to WHO mentioned that aging is a physiological process that begins at birth and undergoes changes throughout the life cycle. In the city of San Francisco de Campeche reside 67 879 aging, representing 8.3 % of the total population according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI. 2010). Objective: to identify the correlation between self-care and the older persons attending the Center for Rehabilitation and Special Education in the City of San Francisco de Campeche. Method: a descriptive, exploratory qualitative scope. Instruments: test capacity and perception of self-care for the elderly (CYPAC-AM). Data analysis was performed using SPSS. Individuals: 50 adult seniors of 60 years. Results: we found that 32 respondents were female and 18 were male, that 100 % of the male population sample 44.44 % have inadequate self-perception and female 100 % indicates 68 % presents partially inadequate perception. In the perception of health status, 60 % consider having a self-perception of the partially adequate health, 34 % with an inadequate level of self-care, 3 % showing no ability to self-care, self-care level that reflects the 3 % and the total lack of self-indicating 0 %. Conclusion: about sex and perception of the self, the total population of male respondents have an adequate level of self-care 11.11 % less than the 50 % stipulated by comparing the total number of women had 0 %, this means that men have higher self than women.
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