How the separation of parents in a divorce affects the children

  • Nancy Elizabet Ambriz Trujillo Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Alam Olmedo Arreola Universidad de Guadalajara


The objective of this research is to analyze how the separation of parents in a divorce affects minors in the municipality of Juchitlán, Jalisco. Since divorce in a family involves grief, pain, sadness and anger. 14 questions were developed to determine a survey that applied to the inhabitants of the affected families, revealing that some of the children surveyed feel a little better when their parents are separated, since they do not witness constant fights. However, they wish their parents did not have problems being able to be together, and many of them fear that, if they get married, a similar situation awaits them, something they do not want to experience or for their own children to experience.


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How to Cite
Ambriz Trujillo, N. E., & Olmedo Arreola, A. (2024). How the separation of parents in a divorce affects the children. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29).
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