Emotions present in the classroom of first semester students taking the programming learning unit at UPIBI-IPN

  • Ana Isabel García Monroy Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Engelbert Eduardo Linares González Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Lucero Martínez Allende Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Education today is evolving rapidly derived from various causes such as the confinement by COVID-19, national political changes, among others, this means that a diversity of emotions is presented within the classroom, so it is important to identify the emotions that are generated inside the classroom and how these influence the teaching and learning process of the student at a higher level. This research work aims to analyze the emotions present in the teacher and how they influence the teaching-learning process. To achieve the stated objective, the investigation was approached with the analysis of six basic emotions: anger, sadness, joy, fear, surprise, aversion, making a quantitative and continuous dependent variable measurement from the application of a questionnaire composed of 16 items to 146 fourth semester students of the Biotechnology Interdisciplinary Professional Unit. The results obtained show different emotional states present in the teacher, there being an influence that affects the teaching-learning process of the students derived from the activation of a chain of events present in the students and in the classroom environment, resulting in alert states. anxiety and disorganization manifesting in poor academic performance, this opens lines of research in which the student's working conditions can be modified as well as suggesting a series of emotional management courses for teachers in order to lead to harmonious learning environments.


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How to Cite
García Monroy, A. I., Linares González, E. E., & Martínez Allende, L. (2024). Emotions present in the classroom of first semester students taking the programming learning unit at UPIBI-IPN. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 15(29). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v15i29.2028
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