Environmental education in virtual environments: an approach to the state of the art
This chapter deals in its first part, a brief review of the historical process that has passed environmental education, which were built concepts, defining their objectives, goals, target and especially the construction of transcendental documents for environmental education. Then it is given a space for discussion of definitions, which are considered necessary for the clarification of some issues of this chapter. After the advantages and benefits of distance education mode to achieve certain goals and objectives of environmental education, as well as other benefits are presented. Later we find the theme of ICT and environmental education where the benefits represented by these for environmental education becomes apparent, understand the importance of putting to master without losing sight of the objectives of environmental education. As a presentation of the most widely used technologies in environmental education and finally in this section interesting research carried out in relation to ICT and environmental education becomes exposed. Then there is a section where disclosed the role of environmental educators, and their relationship to ICT, obstacles and opportunities and training them through the exhibition of several research papers. Later we find the presentation of several environmental education projects that have been carried out, which have been successful, both in Uruguay and Spain. Finally the chapter with an investigation of websites related to environmental education, same containing non-formal education strategies for achieving sustainable development is closed.
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