Relationship between violence and ISC semester students

  • Fabiola Ocampo Botello Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Roberto De Luna Caballero Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Monserrat Gabriela Pérez Vera Instituto Politécnico Nacional


When we referrer to school violence, commonly named Bullying, and because it is consider a systemic cause phenomenon, multiple causes, it attracts the interest of several groups and disciplines. To address that interest in this research project an analysis of the data is presented in the various levels (semesters) of enrolled students in the Computer Systems discipline.    This project in its present form is the result of a quantitative, transversal, descriptive, exploratory and correlational research that was conducted with the intention of creating the theoretical bases underpinned by an inferential statistical analysis of how school violence occurs in different levels (or semesters) of students in the Engineering in Computer Systems (ISC) career. 391 students participated.   The School Violence Questionnaire-Revised (CUVE-R) was applied for six factors: teacher to student violence, physical violence by students, and verbal violence by students, social exclusion, disruption in the classroom and through Violence New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC). We also apply a Kruskal-Wallis test, grouping by the level variable (semester) of total students. Differences were detected in the different levels or semester only in the following factors: violence of teachers to students and violence through NTICs.


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How to Cite
Ocampo Botello, F., De Luna Caballero, R., & Pérez Vera, M. G. (2015). Relationship between violence and ISC semester students. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(11), 822 - 839. Retrieved from
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