Dependency injection in GO programming language

  • Carlos Eduardo Gutiérrez Morales Instituto Tecnológico de Colima
  • Jesús Alberto Verduzco Ramírez Instituto Tecnológico de Colima
  • Nicandro Farías Mendoza Instituto Tecnológico de Colima


Currently, one of the features most sought in a software project is the flexibility since the requirements tend to change during the development process. One way to get uncoupled code is through the use of Dependency Injection (DI). This document is about the construction of a library of open code for the use of DI in projects developed with programming language Go, also known as Goland. This library was built following the principle of Inversion of Control (IoC), trying to follow the common structure found in the most popular DI containers and taking into account the limitations that the language has. The final product is an easy to use library, which allows writing code easier to maintain.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Morales, C. E., Verduzco Ramírez, J. A., & Farías Mendoza, N. (2015). Dependency injection in GO programming language. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 5(10), 316 - 334. Retrieved from
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