The use of film in the secondary school level for the prevention of addiction to toxic substances and other social

  • Fernando Gutiérrez Ortega Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Aleida Tello Divicino Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero


The paper presents results of the project progress of research: The use of film in the secondary level for the prevention of addiction to toxic substances and other social practices of risk in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. This is a qualitative, ethnographic, which began in September 2012 and will conclude in May 2013. 12 films will be screened previously assessed according to the risk and protective factors to 52 students, 37 men and 15 women. All of them between 14 and 15 years old and Technical High School students do not. 1 Acapulco. After each screening conducted a focus group on the topic of the film highlighting the risk and protective factors. We selected three students in this group to track them through the interview focused, semistructured, to record the addition to its thematic film discourse. The material transcribed documents will be analyzed in Atlas you. The results in this first analysis provide us with the interpretation that students make to the stories of the films based on the protective factors for the prevention of addiction and other social practices of risk.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Ortega, F., & Tello Divicino, A. (2015). The use of film in the secondary school level for the prevention of addiction to toxic substances and other social. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 2(3), 209 - 224. Retrieved from
Social and Humanities